Unconstrained Optimization#
Teng-Jui Lin
Content adapted from UW AMATH 301, Beginning Scientific Computing, in Spring 2020.
Unconstrained optimization methods
Derivative-free method
Golden section search
Derivative method
Gradient descent
implementationsMinimize scalar functions by
Minimize multivariable functions by
Golden section search#
Goal: find the minimum of a single-variable unimodal function \(f(x)\).
In a given interval \([a, b]\), we find two points \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) where \(a<x_1<x_2<b\). The two points can be compared to determine the new interval:
If \(f(x_1) \le f(x_2)\), then change the new interval to \([a, x_2]\)
If \(f(x_1) > f(x_2)\), then change the new interval to \([x_1, b]\)
The golden section search minimizes the number of calculation rather than iteration, so we want to
have a constant reduction factor \(c\)
If \(f(x_1) \le f(x_2)\), \(c = \dfrac{x_2 - a}{b-a} \implies x_2 = (1-c)a + cb\)
If \(f(x_1) > f(x_2)\), \(c = \dfrac{b-x_1}{b-a} \implies x_1 = ca + (1-c)b\)
reuse calculated points
\(x_{2}^{\text {new}}=x_{1}^{\text {old}}=c a+(1-c) b\)
\(x_{2}^{\text {new}}=(1-c) a+c x_{2}^{\text {old}}=(1-c) a+c[(1-c) a+c b]\)
Equate the above two equations, we get
Therefore, we can reuse the points during iteration by choosing:
If \(f(x_1) \le f(x_2)\)
\(x_1^{\text{new}} = x_2^{\text{old}}\)
\(x_2^{\text{new}} = (1-c)a + cb\)
If \(f(x_1) > f(x_2)\)
\(x_2^{\text{new}} = x_1^{\text{old}}\)
\(x_1^{\text{new}} = ca + (1-c)b\)
Problem Statement. Find the minimum of the function
using golden section search.
import numpy as np
def golden_section_search(f, a, b, tolerance=1e-6, max_iter=5000):
Find the minimum of single-variable unimodal function using golden section search method.
:param f: objective function
:param a: lower bound of interval
:param b: upper bound of interval
:param tolerance: tolerance of stopping criteria
:param max_iter: maximum iterations allowed for calculation
:returns: minimum of objective function
c = (np.sqrt(5) - 1)/2
x1 = c*a + (1 - c)*b
x2 = (1 - c)*a + c*b
f1 = f(x1)
f2 = f(x2)
i = 0 # iteration counter
# golden section search logic
while (b-a) > tolerance and i < max_iter:
if f1 <= f2:
b = x2
x2 = x1
f2 = f1
x1 = c*a + (1 - c)*b
f1 = f(x1)
a = x1
x1 = x2
f1 = f2
x2 = (1 - c)*a + c*b
f2 = f(x2)
# maximum iteration warning
if i == max_iter:
import warnings
warnings.warn(f'Maximum iteration reached. Current stopping criteria is {b-a}', UserWarning)
result = (a+b)/2 # take avg of upper and lower bound
return result
def test_func(x):
return -(1/3*np.exp(-x/2) + 3*x*np.exp(-x/2))
a = 0
b = 10
golden_section_search(test_func, a, b)
Finding minimum using scipy.optimize.fminbound()
find the minimum for scalar function in given interval.
import scipy
from scipy import optimize
scipy.optimize.fminbound(test_func, a, b)
Gradient descent#
Goal: find the minimum of a multi-variable function \(f(\mathbf{x})\)
derivative method
Gradient descent chooses the next point in the steepest downhill direction, where the function value is minimum. For each guess \(\mathbf{p_n}\), we calculate \(\mathbf{p_{n+1}}\) by
Calculate \(\nabla f(\mathbf{p_n})\)
Define \(\phi(t) = \mathbf{p_n} - t\nabla f(\mathbf{p_n})\)
Define \(f(\phi(t))\)
Find \(t^*\) using
to minimize \(f(\phi(t))\)Define \(\mathbf{p_{n+1}} = \phi(t^*)\)
Optimization is the speed limiting step.
Problem Statement. Find the minimum of the function
using gradient descent and compare with the result from scipy.optimize.fmin()
def gradient_descent(f, fgrad, x0, tolerance=1e-6, max_iter=10000):
Find a minimum of multivariable function by gradient descent.
:param f: objective function
:param fgrad: gradient of objective function
:param x0: initial guess (starting point)
:param tolerance: tolerance of stopping criteria
:param max_iter: maximum iterations allowed for calculation
:returns: minimum of objective function
import scipy
from scipy import optimize
i = 0 # iteration counter
x = x0
grad = fgrad(x)
# gradient descent logic
while np.linalg.norm(grad, np.inf) > tolerance and i < max_iter:
grad = fgrad(x)
phi = lambda t : x - t*grad
f_of_phi = lambda t : f(phi(t))
tmin = scipy.optimize.fminbound(f_of_phi, 0, 1)
x = phi(tmin) # use next point with minimum function value
i += 1
# maximum iteration warning
if i == max_iter:
import warnings
warnings.warn(f'Maximum iteration reached. Current stopping criteria is {np.linalg.norm(grad, np.inf)}', UserWarning)
return x
fxy = lambda x, y : (x - 2)**2 + (y + 1)**2 + 5*np.sin(x)*np.sin(y) + 100
f = lambda p : fxy(*p)
fgradx = lambda x, y : 2*(x - 2) + 5*np.cos(x)*np.sin(y)
fgrady = lambda x, y : 2*(y + 1) + 5*np.sin(x)*np.cos(y)
fgrad = lambda p : np.array([fgradx(*p), fgrady(*p)])
x0 = [6, 4]
gradient_descent(f, fgrad, x0)
array([ 1.69484631, -1.40628341])
# compare with scipy
scipy.optimize.fmin(f, x0)
Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 95.363597
Iterations: 42
Function evaluations: 82
array([ 1.69487388, -1.40630558])
Gradient descent with fixed steps#
Goal: find the minimum of a multi-variable function \(f(\mathbf{x})\)
derivative method
Gradient descent chooses the next point in the steepest downhill direction, with a constant learning rate (fixed step) \(t\). For each guess \(\mathbf{p_n}\), we calculate \(\mathbf{p_{n+1}}\) by
Calculate \(\nabla f(\mathbf{p_n})\)
Define \(\mathbf{p_{n+1}} = \mathbf{p_{n}} - t\nabla f(\mathbf{p_n})\)
Calculating gradient is the speed limiting step. The learning rate need to be tuned.
Problem Statement. Find the minimum of the function
using gradient descent with fixed steps and compare with the result from scipy.optimize.fmin()
def gradient_descent_fixed_step(f, fgrad, x0, learning_rate, tolerance=1e-6, max_iter=10000):
Find a minimum of multivariable function by gradient descent.
:param f: objective function
:param fgrad: gradient of objective function
:param x0: initial guess (starting point)
:param learning_rate: learning rate
:param tolerance: tolerance of stopping criteria
:param max_iter: maximum iterations allowed for calculation
:returns: minimum of objective function
import scipy
from scipy import optimize
i = 0 # iteration counter
x = x0
grad = fgrad(x)
# gradient descent with fixed step logic
while np.linalg.norm(grad, np.inf) > tolerance and i < max_iter:
grad = fgrad(x)
x = x - learning_rate*grad # use next point with fixed step
i += 1
# maximum iteration warning
if i == max_iter:
import warnings
warnings.warn(f'Maximum iteration reached. Current stopping criteria is {np.linalg.norm(grad, np.inf)}', UserWarning)
return x
x0 = [6, 4]
gradient_descent_fixed_step(f, fgrad, x0, 0.2)
array([ 1.69484629, -1.40628343])
# compare with scipy
scipy.optimize.fmin(f, x0)
Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 95.363597
Iterations: 42
Function evaluations: 82
array([ 1.69487388, -1.40630558])
Finding minimum using scipy.optimize.fmin()
finds a minimum for multivariable function.
scipy.optimize.fmin(f, x0)
Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 95.363597
Iterations: 42
Function evaluations: 82
array([ 1.69487388, -1.40630558])